Read, Share, Enjoy!

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Read, Share, Enjoy (in Slovenian, “Beri, ustvarjaj, deli!”) is a project developed within the call for proposals for literary circulation projects by the Creative Europe. The main activities of the project include the publication of twenty excellent literary works from across Europe, mostly from lesser used languages that will be published in Slovenian, Spanish and Italian markets, as well as activities aimed at developing long lasting connections within the publishing industry. The project brings together 5 publishers from different countries: Slovenian KUD Sodobnost International as the project coordinator will be joined by publishers from Spanish, Italian, Croatian and North Macedonian markets. In order to increase the visibility of authors from Slovenia, Croatia and North Macedonia in Europe and beyond, the project includes a strategy to reach a larger readership and raise the awareness of the diversity of our common European culture among readers.

Ibis grafika joined this project with the aim of presenting the books by publishers in the project and helping them reach a wider audience by translation into “large” languages. The Zagreb Fellowship will directly address this goal, by gathering a group of publishers who are interested in working together in the future to increase the representation of translations from less commonly translated languages all around Europe.

Find out more about the project partners!